Monday, 13 January 2014

Happy New Year

It's been a while since I posted and I've been reading all your overviews of 2013 and forecast for 2014 with interest. Here is mine in a little ditty:

Ringing in the new

Twenty-thirteen was a year of change,
Sometimes frightening and often strange,
A year of travel away from the screen,
Leaving my mind enriched and my bank account lean.

I met many colleagues face-to-face at last,
At great events that went by too fast,
Networking was fruitful and contacts made
Work was done and bills were paid.

Now a new year’s upon us, what lies in store?
Plans, objectives, resolutions and more….
A new website to grow the business
Plans to exercise more and improve my fitness

More networking after a well-needed rest,
London, Paris and Budapest.
New colleagues to meet and lots to learn
And hopefully more money to earn.

Meeting with clients is a skill to hone,
Taking me out of my comfort zone.
This is the year and I just need to prep,
Then it’s up to me to take the step.

These are my targets but as some of you know,
I’m also an advocate of going with the flow.
Putting thinks in place, leaving the rest to chance,
Taking account and then tweaking my plans.

Whatever your targets, whatever your goals,
However you work, whatever your role.
I hope the year brings health, wealth and success,
Plenty of work without too much stress.

I hope to meet at some point this year,
Lots of colleagues from both far and near,
Because our home office can be a lonely place,
It’s good to get out and put a name to a face.

So a little belatedly I’m ringing in the new,
And by the same token wishing a Happy New Year to you!