Thursday, 23 May 2013

2013 ITI Conference - were you there?

Did you miss the ITI conference? Curious to know what we all got up to? Here's a little "poetic" summary:

The place is Gatwick, the month is May
The Hilton Hotel is where we’ll stay

The Hilton? What’s the reason why?
It’s this year’s conference of the ITI

Masterclasses a choice of four
Technology, money, could you ask for more?

Working the room is the other choice
Helping translators to find their voice

Drinks and dinner round off the first day
Before the conference gets underway

Soap and drugs, workflow and planes
CPD, export, social media and games

A yoga session to help us unwind
Stretch our limbs and empty our mind

Professional photos taken on site
A chance to get our image just right

Line dancing, whose idea was that?
Yes please I’ll have a sparkly hat

As Sunday dawns there’s lots in store
Quality, patents, contracts and more

Keynote speakers entertain and inspire
Figureheads we all admire

A final break with cakes and tea
Then singing translators with “Stand by me”

At the summary session we take a seat
And soon realise we’re in for a treat

A conference video has been prepared
And we’re the first to see it aired

Next it’s feedback, all positive of course
All in one voice, if a little hoarse

We ate and drank and had some fun
And learnt to look after number one

With knowledge gained at every session
We’ve pulled together as a profession


  1. I know a very good translators' song, called 5000 Words, by Sharon Neeman:

  2. Brilliant! Thanks for posting Paul.
